Postal Returns Management
The amount of returned mail can have a direct correlation with the upfront effort put into the cleansing of your direct mail data base. If costs are saved in the preparation of the direct mail marketing data by avoiding cleansing and sorting, prior to the mailings despatch, this can incur considerable internal costs after the mailing has been sent, with a higher quantity of returned mailings (gone away’s).
On a reasonably sized direct mail campaign and bulk mailings, uncleansed data will have a higher bounce rate. The time and effort to identify the reason for your mailings returns and update the original data base is necessary, but distracts from the other more pressing direct marketing activities.
As part of our direct mail services, Blue Print are happy to manage the process of your returned mailings. We can set up an ‘Alias’ (this process receives your returns at Blue Print anonymously, with our return PO Box address but your name) on our Royal Mail account. This will save you time and effort and allow you to concentrate on the positive outcomes of the direct mail marketing campaign. Charges will depend on: what information you require collected on the returns, the type of reporting you require and how quick you need the reports.
At Blue Print we are happy to process Returns, we can set up an ‘Alias’ on our Royal Mail account if required. Charges depend on what information you require collected on the Returns, the type of reporting you require and how quick you need the reports.